Release according to § 26 WpHG
UBS holds 3.85% on GILDEMEISTER
Release according to § 26 WpHG
By letter of 20 December 2007 UBS, Zurich, Swiss, has informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft, Gildemeisterstraße 60, 33689 Bielefeld, Germany, exceeded the threshold of 3% as at 17 December 2007 and amounts to 3.85% (1,666,677 shares). Of these, 0.26% of voting rights (113,350 shares) are attributed to UBS AG according to § 22 para 1 sentence 1 no. 1 WpHG.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board