• Data privacy information

Data privacy information

Thank you for your visit to our website and your interest in our offers. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. Below we would like to inform you how your personal data is processed when you use our website and make use of our contents and services. Personal data is all data that can be connected to you as a person, e.g. name, address, e-mail addresses, user behaviour.

1. Responsible person, processor, data protection officer

  1. The responsible party according to Art. 4 No. 7 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, Gildemeisterstraße 60, DE-33689 Bielefeld, info@dmgmori.com ("We“).
  2. Should you have any questions concerning data privacy law, our group data protection officer is available for you. You can reach him under GILDEMEISTER Beteiligungen GmbH, FAO Group data protection, DECKEL MAHO Straße 1, DE-87459 Pfronten, responsibility@dmgmori.com.

2. General information about processing of personal data

  1. We only process personal data, if this is required for providing a functional website and our content and services. In general, we only process your personal data with your consent. An exception applies in cases, in which prior consent is not feasible and legal provisions permit processing of data.
  2. Art. 6 section 1 (a) GDPR is the legal foundation for processing personal data after requesting the consent of the affected person.

    Art. 6 section 1 (b) GDPR is the legal foundation for processing personal data required for performance of a contract, of which the affected person is a contracting party. This also applies to data processing required for pre-contractual measures.

    Art. 6 section 1 (C) GDPR is the legal foundation for processing personal data to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject.

    Art. 6 section 1 (d) GDPR is the legal foundation for processing personal data required due to vital interests of the affected person or another natural person.

    If data processing is required to fulfil our legitimate interest or the legitimate interest of a third party and if the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of the affected party do not override these aforementioned interests, Art. 6 section 1 (f) GDPR is the legal foundation for data processing.
  3. The personal data of the affected person will be deleted or blocked, as soon as the purpose of storage no longer applies. Data may also be stored, if this is intended by European and national lawmakers in EU directives, laws or other regulations to which the responsible party is subject. The data will also be blocked or deleted, when a storage period required by the above-mentioned standards ends, unless further storage of the data is required for contract conclusion or performance.
  4. When you contact us by e-mail, through a contact form or by registering on our website, we will save the data supplied by you to process your questions/enquiries. We will delete the data collected in this context, once storage is no longer required, or limit processing thereof, if legally mandated retention periods apply.
  5. If we use commissioned service providers for individual functions included in our offer or wish to use your data for promotional purposes, we will inform you in detail about these processes as described below. We will also name the criteria defined for the duration of storage.

3. Collection of personal data when you visit our website

  1. If you use our website purely for information purposes, that is, if you do not register or otherwise transmit information, we only collect the personal data transmitted to our server by your browser. If you wish to view our website, we will collect the following data required for technical purposes to display our website and ensure stability and security (the legal foundation is Art. 6 section 1 (f) GDPR):

    - ΙP address

    - Date and time of access

    - Time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

    - Contents of the request (specific site)

    - Access status/HTTP status code

    - Data volume transferred

    - Website where the request originated

    - Browser

    - Operating system and its interface

    - Language and version of the browser software.

  2. In addition to the above-mentioned data, cookies are saved on your computer when you use our website. Cookies are small text files saved on your hard drive in association with the browser you use and used to transmit certain information to the body responsible for setting the cookie (in this case, us). Cookies cannot execute programs or transfer viruses to your computer. They are used to make the overall web presence more user-friendly and effective.
  3. Use of cookies:
    a) This website uses the following types of cookies, the extent and function of which is described below:
    - Transient cookies (see b)
    - Persistent cookies (see c).
    b) Transient cookies are deleted automatically, when you close your browser. This includes in particular session cookies. These save a so-called session ID, which permits association of various requests by your browser to a single session. This allows your computer to be recognised when you return to our website. These session cookies are deleted, when you log out or close your browser.
    c) Persistent cookies are deleted after no more than three months. You can delete the cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time.
    d) You can configure your browser settings as desired and, for instance, reject third-party cookies or all cookies. We would, however, like to notify you that you may not be able to use all functions of this website, if you do so.
    e) We use cookies to identify you during follow-up visits, if you have an account with us. Otherwise, you would have to log in again each time you visit.
    Change cookie settings

4. Use of our web shop

  1. If you wish to place an order in our web shop, your personal data is required for concluding the contract, so that we can process your order. Obligatory information required for processing contracts is identified as such, all other information is voluntary. We process the data you provide in order to process your order. For this purpose, we may transmit payment data to our firm's bank. The legal foundation for this is Art. 6 section 1 (b) GDPR.

    To place an order, you have to create a user account, through which we can save your data for later purchases. If you create an account under "My account", the data specified by you is stored on a revocable basis. You can delete all other data, including your user account, in the customer section of our site at any time.

    We can also process the data provided by you to inform you about additional interesting products from our portfolio or to send you e-mails containing technical information.

  2. Due to commercial and tax law requirements, we are obligated to store your address, payment and order data for the duration of ten years.
  3. To prevent unauthorised access of third parties to your personal data, in particular financial data, your order is encrypted using the TLS system.
  4. Based on the payment option "Payment on account" offered by us and on the foundation of Art. 6 section 1 (f) GDPR, we reserve the right to safeguard our legitimate interest, in particular to protect ourselves from payment default and misuse of our online shop, by requesting an identity and credit check from service providers specialised on this purpose (credit agencies). We only request identity and credit checks through companies such as Creditreform.For further information on data processing by Creditreform and the calculation of probability values (score values) by Creditreform, which may be part of a credit check, please visit https://en.creditreform.de.
    We process your credit check exclusively to make a well-founded decision about entering into, processing or terminating a contractual relationship with you. You can object to processing of your data for the purposes of a credit check according to Art. 21 GDPR. 

5. Application options

You have the option of sending a job application on our website or by e-mail. If you send an application, we collect and save the data you enter in the input mask or send us by e-mail. We process your data exclusively for the purpose of your application. The legal foundation for this processing is Art. 6 section 1 (b) GDPR. If we cannot offer you a job, we store your data for no longer than six months after the end of the application process.

6. Newsletter

  1. With your consent you can subscribe to our newsletter, which we use to inform you about current interesting offers.
  2. We use a "double-opt-in" process for subscription to our newsletter. That means we send an e-mail to the indicated e-mail address after you have subscribed, asking for your confirmation that you wish to receive the newsletter. If you do not confirm your registration within 24 hours, your information will be blocked and automatically deleted after one month. Moreover, we save your IP addresses and the times of registration and confirmation. The purpose of this process is to prove your registration and clear up a misuse of your personal data, if necessary.
  3. The only obligatory information for receiving our newsletter is your e-mail address. Additional, separately identified data can be provided on a voluntary basis and is used to address you personally. After your confirmation, we store your e-mail address to be able to send you our newsletter. The legal foundation for this is Art. 6 section 1 (a) GDPR.
  4. You can withdraw your consent to receiving the newsletter at any time and unsubscribe from the newsletter. To withdraw your consent, click on the link provided in each newsletter e-mail, send an e-mail todisagree@dmgmori.com or send a message to the previously indicated contact data.
  5. We would like to notify you that we evaluate your user behaviour when sending our newsletter. For this evaluation, the sent e-mails contain so-called web beacons or tracking pixels, i.e. one-pixel image files saved on our websites. For evaluation, we associate the data indicated in section 3 and the web beacons with your e-mail address and an individual ID. Links contained in the newsletter also contain this ID. The data acquired in this fashion is used to create a user profile, so that we can customise our newsletter for you, based on your individual interests. We detect when you read our newsletter and which links you click and use this information to determine your personal interests. We then connect this data to the actions taken by you on our website.

    You can object to this tracking at any time by clicking the separate link provided in each e-mail. The information is saved as long as you are subscribed to our newsletter. After unsubscribing, we save the data on a purely statistical and anonymous basis. Moreover, this tracking method is impossible, if you have deactivated images by default in your e-mail program. However, if you do so, our newsletter is not displayed in full and you may not be able to use all functions. If you display images manually, the above-described tracking method is activated.

7. Use of Google Analytics

  1. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses "cookies", i.e. text files saved on your computer permitting analysis of your use of our website. The information on your use of this website generated by the cookie is generally transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will, however, first be abbreviated by Google within the European Union member states and other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is only transmitted to a Google server in the USA and abbreviated there in exceptional cases. On behalf of the provider of this website, Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide the website provider with further services connected to website use and internet use.
  2. The IP addresses transmitted in connection with Google Analytics will not be associated with other data stored by Google.
  3. You can prevent storage of cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser software; we would, however, like to point out that, if you do so, you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent. Moreover, you can prevent collection of the data generated by the cookie and referring to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) by Google and processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.
  4. This website uses Google Analytics with the extension "_anonymizeIp()“. This means IP addresses are abbreviated before being processed further, preventing association with a person. If the data collected could be associated with your person, this is therefore immediately prevented and the data related to your person is immediately deleted.
  5. We use Google Analytics in order to be able to analyse and regularly improve use of our website. We can use the statistics gathered to improve our offer and make it more interesting for you as a user. The legal foundation for our use of Google Analytics is Art. 6 section 1 sentence 1 (f) GDPR.
  6. Information of the third-party provider: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. User terms: https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html, overview on data usage by Google: https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites​​​​​​​, and data privacy statement: https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy.

8. Embedding of YouTube videos

  1. We have embedded YouTube videos in our web presence, which are stored on https://www.YouTube.com and can be played directly on our website. All of these are embedded in "advanced data privacy mode", i.e. no data relating to you as a user is transmitted to YouTube, if you do not play the videos. The data listed in section 2 is only transmitted, when you play the videos. We have no influence on this data transfer.
  2. When you visit the website, YouTube receives the information that you have accessed the respective sub page of our website. In addition, the data listed under section 3 of this statement is transmitted. This is the case irrespective of whether or not you have a YouTube user account and are logged into it. If you are logged into a Google account, your data is associated directly with your account. If you do not wish for your data to be associated with your YouTube profile, log out before activating the button. YouTube saves your data as usage profiles and uses it for the purposes of promotion, market research and/or tailoring its website to the users' needs. In particular, this evaluation is conducted (even for users not logged into a user account) to provide tailored advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, but in order to exercise this right, you will have to contact YouTube.
  3. For further information on the purpose and extent of data collection and processing thereof by YouTube, refer to the data privacy statement. It also contains information on your rights and setting options to protect your privacy: https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy.

9. Integration of Google Maps

  1. Our website uses the services of Google Maps. This allows us to display interactive maps on our website and permits you convenient usage of the map function.
  2. When you visit the website, Google receives the information that you have accessed the respective sub page of our website. In addition, the data listed under section 3 of this statement is transmitted. This is the case irrespective of whether or not you have a Google user account and are logged into it. If you are logged into a Google account, your data is associated directly with your account. If you do not wish for your data to be associated with your Google profile, log out before activating the button. Google saves your data as usage profiles and uses it for the purposes of promotion, market research and/or tailoring its website to the users' needs. In particular, this evaluation is conducted (even for users not logged into a user account) to provide tailored advertising and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have a right to object to the creation of these user profiles, but in order to exercise this right, you will have to contact Google.erprofile, wobei Sie sich zur Ausübung dessen an Google richten müssen.
  3. For further information on the purpose and extent of data collection and processing thereof by the plug-in provider, refer to the provider's data privacy statement. It also contains information on your associated rights and setting options to protect your privacy: https://www.google.de/intl/en/policies/privacy.

10. Use of Google Ads Conversion

  1. We use the Google Ads service in order to use advertising material ("Google Ads") to call attention to our appealing offers on external websites. Based on the ad campaigns' data, we can determine the level of success of individual promotional measures. We do this to pursue the interest of showing you advertisements of interest for you, of making our website more interesting for you and of achieving a fair calculation of advertising costs.
  2. This advertising material is provided by Google through so-called "Ad Servers". For this purpose, we use Ad Server cookies, which measure specific parameters to determine success, such as how often ads are displayed or how often users click on them. If you reach our website through a Google ad, Google Ads saves a cookie on your PC. These cookies generally become invalid after 30 days and are not intended for identifying you personally. In general, the unique cookie ID, number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), last impression (relevant for post view conversions) and opt-out information (identifying that the user no longer wishes to be addressed) are saved together with this cookie as analysis values.
  3. These cookies allow Google to recognise your web browser. If a user visits certain pages of an Ads customer's website and the cookie saved on the user's computer has not expired yet, Google and the customer can detect that the user has clicked an ad and was forwarded to the site. Each Ads customer is assigned a different cookie. Cookies can therefore not be tracked through websites of Ads customers. We do not collect and process personal data through the above-mentioned promotional measures. We merely receive statistical evaluations provided by Google. Based on these evaluations, we can detect which of the promotional measures used are particularly effective. We do not receive further data through use of these promotional measures. In particular, we cannot identify the users based on this information.
  4. Due to the marketing tools in use, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Google server. We have no influence on the extend and further use of the data collected by Google through use of this tool, and therefore wish to inform you based on our own knowledge: Through integration of Ads Conversion, Google receives the information that you have accessed the respective part of our web presence or clicked on one of our ads. If you are registered with a Google service, Google can associate the visit with your account. Even if you are not registered with Google or have not logged in, the provider may find out and save your IP address.
  5. You have different options for preventing participation in this tracking procedure a) by making the corresponding settings in your browser software, in particular rejecting third-party cookies will ensure that you do not receive third-party ads; b) by deactivating the cookies for conversion tracking by changing the settings of your browser so that cookies from the domain "www.googleadservices.com" are blocked, https://www.google.com/settings/ads, although these settings are deleted, when you delete your cookies c) by deactivating the interest-based ads of the provider, which are part of the self-regulation campaign "About Ads", using the link https://www.aboutads.info/choices, although this setting is deleted, when you delete your cookies; d) through permanent deactivation in your browsers Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome using the link https://www.google.com/settings/ads/plugin. We would, however, like to notify you that you may not be able to use all functions of this service, if you do so.
  6. The legal foundation for this processing of your data is Art. 6 section 1 sentence 1 (f) GDPR. Further information on data privacy at Google can be found at these links: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy and https://services.google.com/sitestats/en.html. Alternatively, you can visit the website of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) at http://www.networkadvertising.org.

11. Remarketing

In addition to Ads Conversion, we use the Google Remarketing service. This is a process through which we wish to address you again. This application allows us to show our ads to you during your subsequent internet use after you have visited our website. For this purpose, cookies are saved in your browser, through which your user behaviour when visiting various websites is recorded and evaluated by Google. This allows Google to determine that you have previously visited our website. Based on statements by Google, the data collected for Remarketing is not associated with any personal data which may be stored by Google. In particular, Google states that pseudonymisation is used for Remarketing.

12. Use of Google Fonts

We use Google Fonts on our website. This allows us to integrate certain fonts into our website. These fonts are provided by Google through servers in the USA. When accessing our website, your web browser establishes a direct connection to these servers. During this process, the visitor's IP address, among other things, is transmitted to Google and stored there.

Further information about Google: Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountainview, California 94043, USA. Further information on data privacy at Google: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.

13. Links to third-party websites

We link to the websites of other providers not associated with us (third parties), e.g. to our profiles on social networks such as LinkedIn, Xing, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. We would like to inform you that we have no influence on the data processed by these providers, when you click these links. As data processing by third parties is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for it. For further information on data processing by these third parties, please refer to the data privacy information published by the respective provider.

14. Safety measures

  1. As required by Art. 32 GDPR, we take suitable technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk, taking into account the state of the art, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risks of varying likelihood and severity for rights and freedoms of natural persons.  
  2. These measures include, in particular, the safeguarding of reliability, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical access to the data as well as access associated with the data, input, disclosure, safeguarding of availability and separation. Moreover, we have established methods for ensuring that affected parties can exercise their rights, for ensuring data deletion and appropriate reactions to risks to the data. Moreover, we take the protection of personal data into account even when developing or selecting hardware, software and methods, based on the principle of data protection by design and by default settings conducive to data protection (Art. 25 GDPR). 
  3. To ensure security and safeguard the transfer of confidential data, e.g. enquiries, transmitted by you to us in our role as the provider of the websites, these websites use SSL encryption. An encrypted connection is indicated by the address bar of your browser changing from "http://“ to "https://" and a padlock symbol in your browser bar. When this SSL encryption is active, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.
  4. To ensure security and safeguard the transfer of confidential data, e.g. enquiries, transmitted by you to us in our role as the provider of the websites, these websites use SSL encryption. An encrypted connection is indicated by the address bar of your browser changing from "http://“ to "https://" and a padlock symbol in your browser bar. When this SSL encryption is active, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

15. Cooperation with processors and third parties

  1. If we disclose, transmit or otherwise grant access to data to other persons and companies (order processors or third parties) in the context of our processing of this data, this is only done on the basis of legal permissibility (e.g. when transmission of data to third parties, such as financial service providers, is required according to Art. 6 section 1 (b) GDPR for contract performance), on the basis of your consent, based on a legal obligation or our legitimate interest, e.g. when commissioning service providers, web hosts, etc. 
  2. If we commission third parties to process our data based on a so-called processing contract, this will be based on Art. 28 GDPR.

16. Transfer to third countries

If we process data in a third country, i.e. outside of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) or if this is done in the context of using third-party services or disclosure or transfer of data to third parties, this shall only be done, if it is required for performing our (pre-)contractual obligations, if you have given your consent, or if it is based on a legal obligation or on our legitimate interest. Subject to legal or contractual permissions, we only process data or have data processed in third countries, if the special prerequisites of Art. 44 ff. GDPR exist. I.e. processing is, e.g. based on special safeguards, such as the official establishment of a data protection level equivalent to that of the EU or adherence to officially recognised special contractual obligations ("standard contractual clauses").

17. Ihre Rechte

  1. You have the following rights with regard to personal data related to your person:

    - Right of access (Art. 15 GDPR),

    - Right to rectification or erasure (Art. 16 and Art. 17 GDPR),

    - Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR),

    - Right to notification (Art. 19 GDPR),

    - Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR),

  2. Moreover, you have the right to object to processing of personal data related to your person at any time for reasons based on your specific situation, if this processing is based on Art. 6 section 1 (e) GDPR (data processing for public interest) or Art. 6 section 1 (f) GDPR (data processing based on weighing of interests); this also applies to profiling based on these provisions (Art. 21 GDPR). If you object, your personal data will only be processed further, if we can prove that there are compelling, legitimate reasons overriding your interests, rights and freedoms or if processing is for the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending legal claims.
  3. If you have given us permission to process your personal data, you can revoke it at any time. The legitimacy of processing of your personal data up to the point at which you revoked your consent remains unaffected. Further processing of this data based on a different legal foundation, for instance to meet legal obligations, also remains unaffected. 
  4. You have the right to file a complaint with a data privacy supervisory authority about our processing of your personal data. 
  5. We would like to ask you to address claims or statements to the following contact address, if possible:​​​​​​​ responsibility@dmgmori.com