
Release of a notification pursuant to § 27a WpHG

By letter of 15 April 2011 Mori Seiki Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan, had informed us according to § 21 para 1 WpHG, that their share of voting rights of GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft, Gildemeisterstraße 60, 33689 Bielefeld, Germany, has exceeded the thresholds of 15% and 20% as at 15 April 2011 and as of this day amounts to 20.10% (12,093,817 voting rights).

Following this notification Mori Seiki Co., Ltd., Nagoya, Japan, has informed us by letter of 18 April 2011 pursuant to § 27a WpHG of the aims pursued with the purchase and the origin of the funds used for the purchase as follows:

1. The principal aim of the investment is to implement strategic targets. Making trading profit is not ruled out.

2. There is no intention to acquire further voting rights by purchase or otherwise within the next 12 months.

3. There is no intention to exert an influence on the appointment or removal of members of our company’s administrative, managing and supervisory bodies.

4. There is no intention to materially change the capital structure of our company, in particular with respect to the ratio of equity and debt financing or with respect to the dividend policy.

5. As far as the origin of the funds used is concerned 0% is equity and 100% is debt capital.

GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board