Two world premieres at the Intersolar
Bielefeld. With order intake of € 25.6 million, including large-scale photovoltaic projects in India and Italy, GILDEMEISTER takes positive stock of the world’s largest trade fair for solar technology. Storage technology was also a central theme at the Intersolar in Munich, which ended on Friday.
GILDEMEISTER energy solutions presented two world premieres: the Sun Carrier 22 - up to eleven solar sails can be guided to track the sun using a single drive system. It supplies an output of approximately 47 kilowatts and thereby 35% greater output in comparison with stationary systems. Trade fair visitors were also interested in energy storage systems. GILDEMEISTER presented its modular CellCube system - the vanadium redox flow batteries can be configured with an output of 10 to 30 kilowatts and a scaleable capacity. The low-maintenance technology can be upgraded to 1 megawatt and provides an uninterruptible and off-grid power supply.
GILDEMEISTER energy solutions presented its restructured business sector for the first time at the Intersolar: GILDEMEISTER’s focus is on complete energy solutions for generating, storing and using renewable energies for the industrial sector, as well as the construction of large-scale photovoltaic projects for investors.
GILDEMEISTER energy solutions products can also be seen live in action from 19 to 23 June at its in-house exhibition in Bielefeld.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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