New at DMG MORI: selective laser melting and the ISTOS digital start-up
Cooperation strengthens expertise in Additive Manufacturing
Bielefeld/Pfronten. At the traditional Open House at DECKEL MAHO in Pfronten DMG MORI shows a wide range of innovations. The 9,000 international trade visitors will be greeted by a display area of 8,500m2 featuring more than 80 high-tech exhibits – including 3 world premieres – and major sector highlights from the fields of automation, digitization, Additive Manufacturing and technology excellence. By a majority shareholding of 50.1% in REALIZER GmbH in Borchen, the group is strengthening its future technologies in Additive Manufacturing. With the founding of the start-up ISTOS, DMG MORI is expanding its digitization expertise.
DMG MORI is focusing on strengthening its future technologies: With selective laser melting DMG MORI is bundling the most important generative production processes for metallic materials under one roof. DMG MORI already has extensive know-how in the field of laser deposit welding with powder nozzles through SAUER GmbH. By integrating the REALIZER products, DMG MORI is gaining access to “Selective Laser Melting” (SLM). In this process, the material is applied in powder form in very thin layers and melted by laser. “This is the perfect complement to our high-tech machines in the field of Advanced Technologies. Selective laser melting in the powder bed opens up completely new areas of application for our customers,” says Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT.
As a pioneer of the powder bed process, REALIZER has consistently developed SLM technology, elevating it to the level of mass production and now has more than 20 years’ experience in its application. In future, development and assembly will take place in Borchen and at DMG MORI in Bielefeld.
The two leading production technologies enable complex, metallic components to be produced from powder. For this purpose a wide variety of weldable materials up to and including multi-material applications can be made use of.
DMG MORI founds ISTOS for the digital production
With the founding of the start-up ISTOS, DMG MORI is expanding its digitization expertise. The new Düsseldorf-based company is developing digital production projects for DMG MORI and interested partners. The aim is to support DMG MORI’s customers and companies outside the machine tool industry in handling the digital transformation by way of fully connected production processes. For DMG MORI customers ISTOS is the connecting link from an open network across all machines to an integrated digital factory.
ISTOS stands for “Innovative Software Technologies for Open Solutions” and will sustainably shape digitization in the field of machining. The basis is provided by CELOS – the APP-based control and operations software from DMG MORI. “With ISTOS we have successfully managed to attract and gain a complete team of
15 experienced IoT experts,“ says Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, “by ISTOS we are speeding up our digital innovation process. I am convinced that ISTOS will support us and our customers with innovative solutions for digitization.”
With a current share of 85%, DMG MORI is purposefully creating an open structure for further partners or strategic investment and is therefore creating room for digital alliances – even across sectors.
ISTOS will develop individual customer solutions across the group and together with DMG MORI Software Solutions GmbH will realize the digital production world. Initial results will be presented at the EMO in Hanover (18-23 September 2017).
The Executive Board
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Statements relating to the future: This press release contains statements relating to the future, which are based on current estimates by the management regarding future developments. Such statements are based on the management's current expectations and specific assumptions. They are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could lead to the actual future circumstances including the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT differing materially from or being more negative than that those expressly or implicitly assumed or described in these statements. The business activities of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT are subject to a series of risks and uncertainties, which may result in forward-looking statements estimates or forecasts becoming inaccurate. Should one of these factors of uncertainty or other unforeseeable event occur, or should the assumptions on which these statements are based prove incorrect, the actual results may differ materially from the results stated, expected, anticipated, intended, planned, aimed at, estimated or projected in these statements. Forward-looking statements must not be understood as a guarantee or assurance of future developments or events contained therein.
There are two companies using the name “DMG MORI“: DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT with registered office in Bielefeld, Germany, and DMG MORI COMPANY LIMITED with registered office in Nagoya, Japan. This release refers exclusively to DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT. If reference is made in this release to “DMG MORI”, this refers exclusively to the DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT and its group companies.