Press Release Events
03.06.2013|GILDEMEISTER and Mori Seiki exhibit together for the first time in Moscow​​​​​​​

GILDEMEISTER successful at the Metalloobrabotka​​​​​​​

Bielefeld. GILDEMEISTER takes positive stock of the leading Russian trade fair for the machine tool industry that ended Friday evening in Moscow. At the Metalloobrabotka 2013 orders to a value of € 36.7 million were signed.

As one of the largest exhibitors, DMG and Mori Seiki showed together for the first time at the Metalloobrabotka. Over an area of 766 square metres, 22 machines were exhibited live in operation, including five Russian premieres. Some 3,637 trade visitors visited the DMG / MORI SEIKI stand to obtain information on cutting edge innovations, especially those for the “automotive” and “aerospace” sectors, as well as on the latest trends in the DMG / MORI SEIKI LifeCycle Services. Of particular interest to visitors was the ECOLINE series, which shall also be produced in the new GILDEMEISTER plant in Ulyanovsk from 2014. Of the 2,164 new orders that were initiated, 45% of these were for ECOLINE machines, which offer turning and milling operations at an attractive entry-level price. GILDEMEISTER also signed an agreement during the Metalloobrabotka for the construction of a technology centre in Moscow. In Russia there is a constant rise in demand for modern manufacturing technology. The Russian market for machine tools is expected to grow in the current year by 7.3% (source: VDW forecast (German Machine Tool Builders' Association) April 2013).

The cooperation between DMG and Mori Seiki on the Russian market is currently being implemented. The six sales and service locations of DMG / MORI SEIKI Russia with actually 100 employees offer the entire range and all services of both producers from one source.

GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board

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Disclaimer, Forward-looking statement

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