GILDEMEISTER successful at the EMO in Milan
Bielefeld. With Euro 30.3 million order intake and a total of 172 machines sold, GILDEMEISTER strikes a positive balance of the EMO in Milan. This year's most important European trade fair for machine tools was a success for the technology group. Equally important are the 1,735 follow-up offers as a result of EMO.
One of the major exhibitors at the fair, GILDEMEISTER presents until today 30 high-tech machines. More than 4,700 professional visitors have been looked after personally at the GILDEMEISTER booth during the eight days of the event. Our innovative turning and milling machines as well as the ultrasonic and laser technologies have also been at the focus of interest. The impulses given by EMO confirm also our expectations for financial year 2003. Our innovations will decisively help us to reach largely our target for the groups’ order intake in spite of a persisting difficult market situation. We expect a rise in group sales for the fourth quarter which is customary in this line of business, so the annual sales could again exceed Euro 1 billion. Thanks to our innovative products and our global operating sales and services organisation, we are well prepared for the expected market recovery. The current figures on the third quarter of 2003 will be published by GILDEMEISTER on 7th November 2003.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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