GILDEMEISTER successful at the autumn trade fairs
Bielefeld. With order intake of Euro 82.4 million and 329 machines sold, GILDEMEISTER looks back on a very favourable result from the first main autumn trade fairs in Germany and in the USA. The AMB in Stuttgart and the IMTS in Chicago, which both were running out on Saturday, set a successful tone for the end of year rush.
The AMB in Stuttgart, which took place for the first time on the new fairground, ended successfully with an order intake of Euro 53.8 million (2006: Euro 44.0 million). GILDEMEISTER presented “technologies for tomorrow“ over 1,100 square metres with 8 world premieres as well as innovative automation and service solutions. All the 23 exhibits were displayed for the first time in the award-winning new machine design.
At the IMTS in Chicago, GILDEMEISTER achieved an order intake of Euro 28,6 million (2006: Euro 25.0 million). Overall, the American market shows surprising positive trends. DMG presented 26 high-tech machines over 1,170 square metres.
GILDEMEISTER expects additional impetus from the oncoming autumn trade fairs, the BIMU in Milan and the JIMTOF in Japan. For the whole year GILDEMEISTER is further on planning to exceed the Euro 2 billion threshold in order intake for the first time. The current figures for the third quarter 2008 will be published on 6 November 2008.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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