GILDEMEISTER records satisfactory intake of new orders
Bielefeld. The first two major autumn trade fairs have ended successfully for GILDEMEISTER with an intake of new orders valued at Euro 25.2 million and a total of 118 sold machines. Both the IMTS in Chicago and the AMB in Stuttgart, which take place every other year at the beginning of September, gave a positive start for DECKEL MAHO GILDEMEISTER in the season of international trade fairs.
With an order volume of Euro 7.3 million, the IMTS in Chicago went according to plan. In all, development of the American market continues to be restrained. At the AMB in Stuttgart, GILDEMEISTER achieved a high order intake worth Euro 17.9 million. At the GILDEMEISTER stall, more than 2,700 firms were individually spoken to over the five exhibition days. This is a 10% increase compared with two years ago.
GILDEMEISTER presented 29 high-tech machines in the USA and 22 exhibits in Stuttgart, including some world premières. To date, a total of 20 of the 22 planned innovations have been introduced to a specialised audience in the year 2002. The development programme for 2002 met with great interest. The impetus gained at the IMTS reinforces the group’s America strategy and promises a better course of business for 2003.GILDEMEISTER expects an additional impetus from the industry’s larger autumn fairs that are yet to take place, such as the BIMU in Milan and the JIMTOF in Tokyo. Our strong technological position and high innovation speed are vital contributions to the achievement of our announced intake of new orders of Euro 1 billion in the face of difficult market conditions.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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