Press Release Company
19.02.2008|a+f receives major order of Euro 55.4 million

GILDEMEISTER further successful in solar technology ​​​​​​​

Bielefeld. a+f GmbH, a company belonging to the GILDEMEISTER group, has once again received a major order for the supply of solar plants. The order is of 240 “SunCarriers“ valued at Euro 55.4 million.

a+f GmbH is to construct one further solar park in the Extremadura (Spain) on behalf of a Spanish investor. The major order comprises the supply of 240 controlled solar tracker systems, which will be set up on an area of 42 hectares in Alange.

In Spain a “SunCarrier“ can supply up to 20 households with electricity. Each 250 square metre large “SunCarrier”, with a programmable logic controller (PLC), follows the sun’s position by rotating through 220 degrees. This system achieves about 30% more performance than fixed elevated systems. The a+f concept is applied for patent. It is characterised by its well-established technology, long service life and low maintenance. 

GILDEMEISTER has successfully established itself in the forward-looking business area of solar technology. The company intends to continue to expand the solar plant business. Due to the growing south European solar market and the high demand a+f expects an order volume of about Euro 150 million from the “SunCarrier” sector in the current financial year. On the occasion of the press conference on Financial Statements on 13 March 2008 GILDEMEISTER will publish detailed information about the financial year 2007 and forecast 2008.

GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board

Disclaimer, Forward-looking statement

Disclaimer, Forward-looking statement

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