GILDEMEISTER Annual Report awarded
Bielefeld. The Annual Report 2007 of GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft is the MDAX winner in the manager magazin ranking.
Under the motto “technologies for tomorrow.“ the Annual Report once again convinces with its informative content, high quality of language and attractive design. The judges pointed, in particular, to the high level of transparency and comprehensibility of the reporting.
manager magazin awarded prizes for the 14th time to the financial reports of corporations listed on the stock exchange. This competition is independent and unique worldwide. A team of experts, led by Prof. Jörg Baetge of the Institute of Financial Accounting and Auditing at the University of Münster, analysed annual reports from the DAX, MDAX, SDAX, TecDAX and Stoxx 50 stock exchange segments, as well as from newcomers to the stock exchange.
In the overall ranking, GILDEMESTER achieved second place from a total of 200 financial reports analysed. The award-winning Annual Report can be found at as an interactive online version or can be downloaded.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are based on current estimates of the management of future developments. Such statements are based on the management's current expectations and specific assumptions. They are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could lead to the actual future circumstances, including the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of GILDEMEISTER, differing materially from or being more negative than those expressly or implicitly assumed or described in these statements. The business activities of GILDEMEISTER are subject to a series of risks and uncertainties, which may result in forward-looking statements, estimates or forecasts becoming inaccurate. Should one of these factors of uncertainty or other unforeseeable event occur, or should the assumptions on which these statements are based prove incorrect, the actual results may differ materially from the results stated, expected, anticipated, intended, planned, aimed at, estimated or projected in these statements. Forward-looking statements must not be understood as a guarantee or assurance of the future developments or events contained therein.