GILDEMEISTER and Mori Seiki combine their activities in Europe
Bielefeld . GILDEMEISTER and Mori Seiki plan to combine their sales and services in Europe. The cooperation partners intend to set up a joint company for all European markets (excluding Germany). The new holding company shall manage all the sales and service activities of the European DMG / Mori Seiki companies. The German market will continue to be managed by DMG / Mori Seiki from Stuttgart. At the EMO in Hanover – the most important trade fair worldwide for machine tools – will present about 100 high-tech exhibits jointly for the first time over a total of 7,300 m2 exhibition space in Hall 2.
The cooperation in Germany and Europe comprises the sale and all technical services, such as customer service, training courses as well as technical support. Thus the cooperation also realises high additional benefits in the future for customers in Europe. The wide-ranging DMG and Mori Seiki product portfolio is available to them. 31 technology centres ensure unique local presence.
Following successful integration in numerous other markets – such as Asia, the traditional USA market and Japan – the market in Germany and the remaining European markets will now be developed jointly. In the future, 17 national companies – responsible for 37 European markets – will be brought together in DMG / Mori Seiki Europe. In selected countries (Poland, Russia, Austria) the merger is still subject to approval by the authorities. The cooperation in Germany and Europe shall start at the beginning of September with a total of about 1,350 employees. Of these, 600 employees work in Germany and 750 in other European countries.
GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft
The Executive Board
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